Conference Managers have 4 main responsibilities:

  • Team formation
  • Practice scheduling
  • Game scheduling

Team Formation

Teams in grades kindergarten through third grade will be formed by the conference manager.  In grades four and up, most conference managers run a coach’s draft to form the teams, as coaches generally know the players by this time and appreciate having input into team formation.  Whether teams are formed by the conference manager or a draft, our state soccer association requires us to have a system in place to “create a fair and balanced distribution of playing talent among the teams participating.” 

Practice Scheduling

CMs should work with their coaches on scheduling practice nights, balancing any scheduling conflicts and attempting to spread practices out through the week, including Fridays.  The club's fields permits start at 5:30 and end at dusk.  While it is preferable to spread the practices out to as many nights as possible, conferences that have two fields available could have as many as four teams practicing on one night, especially if the starting times are staggered.


Game Scheduling

By mid-August, the club will provide the CMs in grades K-6 with a "base schedule" for games. Teams in grades K-2 will play a basic round robin series of games, with each team playing another team each Saturday.  CMs in grades 3-6 should advise the club by August 1 if they plan any special end of season events, such as playoffs or a single tournament day. Rain-out procedures are explained in the Field Info section of the site.


Scores are kept by the referee per game and do not need reported unless other wise stated by the league. 


Monday Morning Check-Ins

During the first few weeks of the season, it is recommended that the Conference Manager send an email out to their Coaches to share any feedback obtained over the week, such as complaints from parents or referees, scheduling issues, etc. Coaches also should be encouraged to share feedback with the group.  This is a great way to trouble-shoot small problems that can turn into bigger problems if not addressed early on.